I can imagine why this kitty is so brave. I would be in the same boat too. No one taught me that furry small thing is food or that we are supposed to be sworn enemy. Mommy said if I ever meet one, I would extend my paws for friendship too. What about you kitties? Friend or Foe?
Posted by Lucy Belle at 8:32 PM
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Awwwwwwwwww!!!!! Those are some cute pictures Lucy Belle!! Thanks for sharing and we would make furiends, too!
Your TX furiends,
That's kinda sweet, but we don't think we would be so friendly to that mousie!!
MOL that is cute. We might play wif it a little and then curl up for a nap together =^_^=
A mouse got in my house and lived to tell about it. How lucky was he that he chose a home with five lazy, pudgy, content cats?
Your post made me smile.
hahaha that is so cute!
Ooooohhh!! Is beautiful!
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